Tag Archives: Wireless

Enable Wireless-11N Adhoc – Simple Stuff

Sometimes, you may not be able to connect to your newly bought wireless modem from your laptop. Your wireless modem may be 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless mode ready. The default mode might be set to “n”. If your laptop is not able to scan your access point, then you can try the following:

1) Right click network icon, click “Open Network and Sharing Center”.

Wireless N

2) Click “Change adapter settings”.

Wireless N

3) Right click Wireless Network Connection. Click Properties.

Wireless N

4) From Networking tab, click Configure.

Wireless N

5) From Advanced tab, click “Adhoc 11n”.

6) From Value drop down, select Enable.

7) Click OK.

Wireless N

Now you can try to see if you are able to connect to your access point.